Creative Communication

Batmosphere is a multimedia design and production service run by David Battino, a writer, editor, and musician specializing in creative technologies.



This briefcase performance system features a Korg Kaossilator Pro and my circuit-bent sample player, SwineWAV (aka Pig Floyd). See Floyd’s TV premiere in this video clip.


Book & DVD

The Art of Digital Music

Imagine getting the chance to interview 50 of your musical heroes about creativity, then combining their stories into a virtual cocktail party of a book. 
“Amazing…a gem…truly entertaining and informative on both philosophical and technical levels.” —MusicTech



MIDI Mekanikongu

From DIY adventures to product marketing and software tutorials, Batmosphere creates unique videos with voiceover, original music, and graphics. This one, for my “Key Secrets” column in Keyboard magazine, shows how to embed a MIDI-powered synth in a mechanical monster.



Storycard Theater Performance

My wife Hazuki Kataoka and I have published five books in the the Japanese kamishibai format, which combines dramatic text and art on sliding cards. We perform our stories around the world and present workshops on kamishibai history, construction, and educational benefits.


Music & Sound Design

Wavedrum Performance

Although I now make music with computers and DIY electronics, I've also studied piano, voice, shakuhachi, koto, French horn, and Javanese gamelan. Today’s technology lets you create both the instruments and the music. The button below plays a song I made from a single vocal sample.


Magazine & Web

Electronic Musician

I love how magazines build passionate communities. I started at Keyboard in 1994, then edited Music & Computers and wrote for MaximumPC, Electronic Musician, Synth & Software, and many more. I currently write for Make and Waveform. The button goes to my Waveform columns.



Mossy Buddha

Working with talented designers in magazines, marketing, and software development gave me an appreciation for the power of images. But I’m probably most influenced by the unexpected angles in street photography. This gallery shows a variety of my favorite shots.

Haiku on Demand

A Stout Bamboo Forest
Melts Against
the Still Night